
Mamarus Blog: Why women talk more than men ?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Why women talk more than men ?

Or maybe the question is : why women never shut up ? Well in a nutshell, is not having much to say, but because of a protein in their brains .

As is well known , women say about 20,000 words a day , 13, 000 more than men . Research by the University of Maryland in Baltimore , USA , explains why women talk more .
It is because they have high levels of FoxP2 protein in the brain , also known as " protein language " according to the study published by the Journal of Neuroscience.
The researchers analyzed ten children aged between three and five years . The girls were 30 % more protein than boys Foxp2 , and a key area for the brain to develop the language of human beings.
Other studies have shown that girls learn to talk earlier and more quickly than boys. They produce their first words and sentences before, have larger vocabularies and use a greater variety of types of sentences than men of the same age .
However, Simon Fisher, one of the members of the team that identified the protein Oxford warned that they should not draw important conclusions from the study of such a small number of children .

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